Archives - November 2005

Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 10:42

Thanksgiving wasn't as productive as I thought.  At least upgrading my RAM allows Excel to run more smoothly, but that's pretty much cancelled out by running games more smoothly as well.  So much for my plans to catch up and stuff.  At least I'm one of the lucky ones that never gets murdered by finals.

But my project is another matter.  It's due this Thursday and it's still not nearly as good as the other groups.  What's more, our group has everything that people look for in teams: teamwork, morale, effort, cohesion... everything but talent.  We're so out of ideas and our presentation is still in a mess.  Teamwork's important, but overrated.  I do not even want to think of the repercussions of messing this up.


If anyone is staying in US/Canada this Christmas, could we organize something?




Friday, November 18th 2005, 13:20

The actuarial career fair last night went alright.  Unlike last year, I actually did everything I should be doing - proper handshakes, 30 minute sell-yourself speeches, sticking around and talk, research, thank-you letters...  Again, I'm banking on many little threads of hope, each of them very unlikely to succeed, but I'll be fine even if one of them makes it.  But I must admit I am very worried about my future, and it shows up in the nightmare that I had, when I dreamed of a career fair (!!!) where I rushed up to a recruiter and, after talking to them for 3 hours, realized that they were selling clothes, so I was stuck with selling clothes for the rest of my life.

The real question I should ask myself is, what's wrong with that?




Tuesday, November 8th 2005, 18:55 (Now playing: Lycanthia - Ordo Funebris)

All my classes for tomorrow are cancelled.

I swear I will not waste this oppertunity.




Sunday, November 6th 2005, 16:06

Even if you manage your time correctly, discipline your living schedule and never procrastinate, you have to realize that you're not always in sync with the rest of the world.  So sometimes you still have to wait around and do nothing for a week, and then pull off another week of all-nighters, even though it is no fault of your own.


Whenever the season changes, I sit back staring at the window and reflect on what I have done so far with my life.  I did the same today, and then I start to think that throughout my life, I always made plans for one thing, and then I always end up somewhere else.  Somewhere or another my plans always go wrong, and then I go through some dangerously close situations and end up in some random place.  We all say goodbye to friends and family, often for good, and we should enjoy it, as long as you're still alive after you settle somewhere else... for a year or two.  Who cares?  Once you're dead, you say goodbye to everything, including yourself.


