Archives - January 2004

The order goes from most recent to beginning of the month.
Llewelyn: Only to those that has faith, Francine. When I have time I'll look into the bible to see what it says.
GLY: GAP - God Answers Prayers. {v} + :-)
Matthew: everything's just relative. THere're very little things in life that are either all good or all bad.
dOM: U know what is best for u. I can tell u'll succeed. Wish u all the best mate. Take care. �s�~�ּ�
kenhocar: HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! if you know all the risks about doing so much and still decided to do so...go for it! wish you well whatever you choose to do!!
Llewelyn: Comments are easy, chatterboxes are a little harder, but I'll try.
Matthew: btw leave some msges on my chatterbox too la
Matthew: Haha that rhymes. Anyways, Happy CNY to you!
dOM: Happy Chinese new year man. Take it easy on thing. Wish u all the best. Have a great second term. Stay cool...i know u always do.
kenhocar: music isn't loading too slowly. seems like you have a pretty good time in HK!! take care!
Llewelyn: If my music takes too long to download, click on the "My Xanga" link on the left.
Llewelyn: Finally! The first Christian I know that realised LOTR's a story about their own religion! Hmm... or is it true that outsiders can sometimes see what those involved cannot?
GLY: Nice update. :-) In LOTR3, remember what Gandalf said about death? It's not the end, just another journey~ ;-) So maybe we should bear that in mind when we say our farewells~ ;-) Take care! Thanks for making my stay in HK so memorable~ {v} + :-)
GLY: Thanks for helping me with my backpack~ Hope you're feeling better! And great music!!! {v} + :-)
Emily C: email the people you would like to keep in touch with, and ask them for their msn etc. sorry, i don't ahve additional info!
Emily C: Thanks for offering to help organise the info. You should have received an email from me immediately after the reunion - in the *to* box, is everyone's email contact. as for other contacts, i only have HK phone numbers, so it would prolly be best to
Llewleyn: Watch me die next semester.
Streakmarine: Your GPA is insanely good
Llewelyn: A lonesome person is often forced to be alone, and being alone makes you lonesome. It's reciprocal determinism.
DOm: Happy new year kris!
GLY: To be "alone", and to be "lonesome" are two different things, which one are you? Take care! {v} + :-)
kenhocar: happy new year!! your GPA sounds pretty good!! true...there's always good side to things. hope you can adapt well next year! why not try making more friends that are not necessary HK ppl...broaden your knowledge of culture
Llewelyn: The music takes a long time to load. Please be patient - it's definately worth it.
bron: happy new year


