Archives - September 2003

The order goes from most recent to beginning of the month.

Llewelyn: We get snowstorms here.
Matthew: that was a werid question...i know
Matthew: Why does dom always say mate? it sounds so australian..not that there's anything wrong, but just weird cus dom's not anywhere near australia. If bronson says that then i understand..but
Dom: takes a pretty strong breeze to get glass away mate....
Matthew: smashed broken glass is too heavy to be scattered in the wind
Llewelyn: Everytime I vomit, I think of you.
Matthew: yo dude, that'l be whack...i guess some of the language rubs onto u:P
kay: lol!
Streakmarine: Everytime I eat, I think of how lucky I am to to be able to do so
Streakmarine: Nice entry!
GLY: Everytime I start thinking, I can't seem to stop. The more I think, the more difficult it becomes to express myself. Sometimes I wish people knew me. Take it easy Kris, I've been thinking about all my friends too. {v} + :-)
Dom: your entreis are always so fun. best of luck mate!! =]
Dom: Hey man...sup?
GLY: {v} + :-)
kenhocar: haha....your digital camera worths the durable!!! surprised it still works!!
Llewelyn: It's like beef - it can vary from 1$ to 1000$. It's just a name of a dessert.
Streakmarine: New York cheese cake is quite famous, is it expensive though? I want to try!
kenhocar: btw...this new background looks quite good =)
kenhocar: oh...i see...*phew*!! i would be shocked if you're not that type of person!
Llewelyn: Yeah... *sigh*
Streakmarine: Hehe..I got it for free from a government clinic...good luck with your homework!
Llewelyn: No I'm not going to go. I got Amnesty Internationals meeting at 8, and I really do hope that when I come back this contest will be OVER!!! If not then I'll start to vomit.
kenhocar: WTH is that??? very disgusting!! whoever thought of having such a contest must be kinda crazy!! i rather not go seriously!
Matthew: goodluck in da contest.
kay: that's absolutely disgusting. Fake orgasm contest? WTh.
kenhocar: hehe...good suggestion!! btw...the link in Xanga is incorrect....ending should be homepage.htm, NOT homepage.html
Llewelyn: All I could do is to wish you good luck.
GLY: A.S.A.P. - Always Say A Prayer! {v} + :-)
kenhocar: me too =(
Llewelyn: I want my MUSIC BACK!!!


